
More than a hobby, for members of Midwest Spirits paranormal investigation is a calling. We seek direct contact with the spirit world as a part of our faith and to further our understanding of the divine. For us, every encounter not only satisfies our curiosity but deepens our spiritual connections and the connections of those we work with.

Though we all follow different paths and traditions, the members of Midwest Spirits share a common cause. We all seek wisdom and guidance from the spirits. As our ancestors, we look to those beings that share our reality, but may exist outside of time and space. We may call on different names in different ways, but ultimately, we seek communication with the spirits.

To facilitate that communication, Midwest Spirits investigates places with paranormal activity. Using ancient and modern methods, we establish lines of communication to reach better understanding of the nature of those entities, their goals, motivations, and abilities.

Primarily, we wish to help people better understand the phenomena they are experiencing. In the vast majority of cases, simply knowing more will usage fears and help people develop strategies to cope with their experiences. Sometimes that means providing the means for a witness to communicate with them directly. However, Midwest Spirits is uniquely qualified to provide direct action should the phenomenon be detrimental to a witness’s physical and mental health. We have experience performing tried and tested traditional methods designed to come to terms with these entities or removing them from someone’s personal space.

Midwest Spirits Paranormal Research and Investigation