Request Investigation

Learning is always the first step. If you wish a better understanding of any strange activity occurring on your private property or residence, Midwest Spirits is ready to help. We start with a thorough investigation to determine if the cause is paranormal in nature and the source. We are uniquely qualified to provide solutions. Whether that means simply learning more, communicating with the entity to set boundaries, developing your own means of protection, or, if absolutely necessary, removing the source entirely.

We understand that acknowledging and confronting unusual experiences you have had can be daunting. Midwest Spirits will move at your pace and take the time to get to know you and your situation and what you are comfortable with. Just letting strangers look around your home or place of business can cause mixed feelings, especially when sharing highly personal experiences.

We start with interviewing witnesses remotely, by phone or internet chat. We take the time to get to know you, your situation, and what you wish to gain from an investigation by Midwest Spirits.

Then outside research begins concerning the history of the locale and people associated with it. If you wish to move forward, we will schedule an initial investigation, looking for a time when activity has been most frequent. If the initial investigation bears fruit, we most likely will schedule future investigations. Coming back as many times as necessary until your goals have been met.

Midwest Spirits does like to share our evidence with the community. However, we understand that many people require discretion in these matters. You will be the ultimate arbiter on any information we share with the public.

Midwest Spirits Paranormal Research and Investigation